To see records from radcheck, radgroupcheck and radreply and radgroupreply, you will have to tell RadMan which Radius Attributes you want it to manage. Just by deploying RadMan and pointing it at a working FreeRadius database, you will be able to see a list of NASes ( nas table), NAS groups ( radhuntgroup table), user/group mappings ( radusergroup table) and the accounting table ( radacct). Nas, radacct, radcheck, radgroupcheck, radgroupreply, radhuntgroup, radreply, radusergroup RadMan therefore initiates 2 DB connections:įor the Radius DB, RadMan manipulates all required tables to manage a Radius database: RadMan also requires a database itself, for storing it's own data. RadMan works by inserting / updating / removing records from the FreeRadius database tables. RadMan aims to be simple to use, super fast to deploy and easy to maintain. What RadMan offers is an easy way to manage a FreeRadius DB in a web interface. RadMan does not manage FreeRadius itself (it does not touch the FreeRadius config files). We wrote RadMan because we were not happy with existing FreeRadius management options. Simply, RadMan is a FreeRadius Management GUI. If you want to see more of RadMan, check the Screenshots. RadMan ( Radius Manager) is a FreeRadius Manager - an easy to use FreeRadius Management GUI.īrought to you free and open-source by NetCore j.s.a., the company behind Unimus.